straightening up cowl vents

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straightening up cowl vents

Post by willy3486 »

I found a easy and quick way to straighten the vent openings on the cowl or area just below the windshield on the outside of the cab. These are the metal strips that have openings. Mine had a few that were bent or pushed down. I figured out if you get a wide putty knife and insert it in this area you can pry them up. What you do is to insert the putty knife into the opening so that the knfe area goes into it at a 90 degree angle or in other words the putty knife area  looks like a triangle below the metal strips.Your putty knife needs to be wide enough so that when you insert it in the roughly 3-4 inch openings that it touches the top and bottom curved areas of the opening . Then you just pry down on the putty knife so that the strip that is down comes up. Some of those strips were pressed down and by doing this I could raise them up enough so that it would not be noticable.
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