Credible machine shop in Kansas City, MO or KS

KC MO, KS area

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Credible machine shop in Kansas City, MO or KS

Post by McSideburns »

Hey Guys, First time poster here. I live in Lees Summit and have a Black 66 Slick that is a 2WD long bed. It is a Custom Cab neither a 352 FE.
I am a big fan of this site and have learned a lot about these trucks and how friendly you guys are to other members.
Do you guys know of any machine shops that have or work on Ford FE series engines? I would like to turn my 352 into a 390 or a 410 depending on the costs.
By the way, I can not believe how many Slicks are still on the road.
If anyone of you are driving through in Lees Summit stop by and chat.
(McSideburns) Scott
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Mr. Jones
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Re: Credible machine shop in Kansas City, MO or KS

Post by Mr. Jones »

Welcome from 103rd.and Nall....I've been talking with Dave@Carriage motors down on S.W.Blvd..they're restoring a 66 250 and did the engine in it.Good people there.I drive my 66 around every town day.
Thanks for signing on......
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Re: Credible machine shop in Kansas City, MO or KS

Post by slick4x4 »

'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
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Re: Credible machine shop in Kansas City, MO or KS

Post by McSideburns »

Thanks for the reference for the machine shop.
Glad to find a few guys in town.
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