wind blowing in kansas

KC MO, KS area

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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

This post has nothing to do with the weather
Though it’s been nice , but kinda dry ….
I had to get an emergency operation about a month ago
I had an intestine leaking
And had ignored going to the hospital for about 5 days
Since my wife was visiting her father
And I was just too stubborn
By the time I went
The Dr told me he had to preform surgery immediately
I had salmonella in my blood
My kidneys had shut down also
All my numbers were off the charts
I asked him how serious it was
And to tell me the truth
He said …. 50-50
That sure puts your brain into some serious thought
But I got thru that
But 3 days later , they opened me up again
Because there was leakage they needed to repair
Anyway … got home about 10 days ago
And s.l.o.w.l.y. Getting better
My son is going to take over the farming this year
Hopefully I will be able to climb in a tractor again some day
I also rented out some of my ground
As my son has a full time job
And just can’t handle all of the work
SlickStock will still be in Salina
I might not be the greatest host
But will try to line up some places that are interesting
Not much more to say
It is 2am … my sleeping is a bit choppy
I will keep you informed , just tune in…
Same Pat time… same Pat channel
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
Jerry D
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by Jerry D »

holy cow Patman! Glad to hear you're doing well. Just rest-up and get better for Slickstock. I know from what I've seen that hosting takes a lot of effort, but I'm sure it'll run smoothly.
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

Well it’s a beautiful day in Kansas
I’m down at KansasCity
KU Med center
Gonna get the old ticker a test
The illness I had really gave it a beating
Hopefully my meditating has healed it some
Hey…. Don’t laugh
Mind over matter they say …. :roll:
The shirts for SS. Are ordered
Have some decent places to visit planned
Hopefully the temperature in Kansas August
Isn’t too extreme
But we have the shade of the building after lunch
I’m sure we will have a few laughs & tall stories
This really isn’t a car club
It’s a bunch of folks who like each other
We just all happen to like 61-66 Ford trucks
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by unibody madness »

Glad you are doing better, looking forward to getting there again
Turk build thread at:

It does not matter what you think, it only matters what you do about it!
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by Mr. Jones »

You’re at one of the best heart centers in the world….
"By appointment only"
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

Will today was my 61st birthday
Woke up & it was foggy
Got 2” of rain before noon
Just goofed around the house today
Going to go play cards tonight
Made some brownies in my cast iron skillet
Best way to make them , I think
Didn’t get all the wheat planted
Will be about 10 days before I can
Get back into the field
Cold weather is on the way
But just picked a few tomatoes yesterday
Still haven’t got a frost
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
My wife's nightmare
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by My wife's nightmare »

Late happy birthday wishes!! :clap:
I've made apple pies in a cast iron skillet but never heard of doing brownies. Sounds like I have a project for a cold winter day.
Been picking up the last few persimmons from my momma's old tree. It was really loaded this year, put up 7 quarts so far, had to share them with the neighbors so not sure how much they picked.
Jerry D
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by Jerry D »

Read right past the first line of your post the other day.... Happy Belated Birthday!
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

Well…. Caught the Covid again
This one not nearly as rough
As the one we had in 2020 …
Mostly just a sore throat :(
Finally got a freeze that killed the garden plants
Picked some green ones
Will see if I can get them to ripen
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
Jerry D
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by Jerry D »

How goes the harvest? Hope you're getting good weather and are on schedule.
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

No soybean harvest this year
Insurance agent said they would make
1 bushel per acre ….
He’s probably correct …
The only place they looked fair was in
The low spots that are usually muddy
Just drilled wheat right into them …

Today I went down to Wichita to
Get an MRI on the heart….
I hate going into those machines
I’m claustrophobic and being bigger
It’s a tight fit & squeezes my shoulders
Doctor prescribed a few Valium ….
I think they might have helped
Dang thing banged about an hour
Should know next week the prognosis
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

Had a good snow last week
Good moisture for the winter wheat
Supposed to be around 55* tomorrow
Been getting into the upper 20s during night
Got my heart test last week
Dr going to put in a pacemaker
Combo defibrillator on the ticker…
Talked to a guy that’s had one
For 30 years ….
He gets around really good
Heard about a lady that got
One at age 40 and lived to a 100 !
I’m a 1962 model
Basically was built with a set of points
So I guess this is updating me
To electronic ignition ….
Guys say it makes engines start easier
And gives em more hp
Will see how it goes
Getting it on the 13th….
Glad it don’t fall on a Friday !
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
My wife's nightmare
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by My wife's nightmare »

Thankfully no snow out here, been dry though. Lots of farmers sprayed their beans to kill them because there weren't any beans to pick. I'm glad you're keeping a positive outlook about your ignition upgrade! I had an uncle that wore out a couple pacemakers. The last one he had was a defib/pacemaker combo. They all really made a huge difference in his quality of life for 20-30 years. Keep us updated and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers!!
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by grump »

I got my pacemaker put in May 14 2019. It seems that when your pulse gets down to 32 bad things happen. Just be glad they found your heart problem early, you're gonna be fine now that they are getting things under control. I'm out in the shop every day working, I use that word loosely, on my truck or any number of other things. Only 8 more days to you feeling better.
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

Thanks for the positive messages !
I’ve heard nothing but good
About pacemakers ….
If I said I have no reservations
About the operation
I’d be lying ….
But I’m looking forward to
Being able to do more !
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
My wife's nightmare
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by My wife's nightmare »

Hope you're still hanging in there, almost time for the electronic ignition install!! You and your family continue in my thoughts and prayers :)
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by grump »

Hey Pat, How are you feeling since your electrical upgrade? Hope you're feeling much better so you can get back on the tractor and up into the combine cab.
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by slick4x4 »

Been taking it easy
Not supposed to do strenuous work for a while
Just walking around , I seem to have
More ‘wind’ than I did beforehand …
'' I think what scares me the most about you guys is that I understand you '' ..... KID
'' lookin good, a little paint adds at least 100hp!'' ....... COOTER
'' well an old guy can dream cant he? ''............ICEMAN
''I would donate organs before selling my slick''........ HOOFBEAT RACER
My wife's nightmare
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by My wife's nightmare »

Great news!! You've been through a lot this year. Hope it is a successful recovery and the "wind" keeps blowing in Kansas :D
My wife's nightmare
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Re: wind blowing in kansas

Post by My wife's nightmare »

Just wanted to see how you are getting along, haven't checked in awhile.
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