Reading books helps beat the heat
Reading books helps beat the heat
Here's one for the Reading corner. Any recommendations out there for the Celtic genre? I have some and if there are others with similar interest let me know and I'll PM (most others just think I'm weird, and well who am I kidding? I am PFM's other half ). I'm currently reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, that I'd heard of but thought it was too mainstream to be good. I'm not a fan of typical romance or soap opera drama. Now I see what they were raving about. There are 6 books of at least 600-800pgs each, and I typically don't read over 200-300 because I don't have the time. Heck, I typically take awhile just to get thru a magazine for constant interruptions! These, if I permit myself to get lost in time (literally) I will finish in a few days. They are historical Romance set in the 18th century Scottish Highlands, but they have elements of suspense/mystery and you never know where the story will turn. Keeps me in the air conditioning anyway.
Boy Scout mom, Camp Gladiator fitness, and Running keep me busy.
"Just Breathe."
"Just Breathe."