Wie geht's?

This is for the Wives and spouses of members here to act as a support group

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Joined: January 5, 2009, 9:53 pm
Location: Haslet, TX

Wie geht's?

Post by CelticPFM »

Hi there ladies, just checking in to see what you've been up to lately? We got out on the lake yesterday first time this season. It was a "little warm" as we say here, means it's not hot humid and over 100...yet. You have to reserve "hot" for SOMEthing.

School ends this week for our district, and I just went back to full time at work. They've been asking me to do so for years, so guess I should feel lucky to have lasted that long.

Several festivals going on and other outdoor activities. I already have a flip-flop tan!

Take care,
Boy Scout mom, Camp Gladiator fitness, and Running keep me busy.

"Just Breathe."
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